I recently stumbled upon the article below. Wow, can you say multi-tasker?!
Moms: Resist the Urge to Multi-Task!
What's the biggest difference between a mom and a dad? Multi-tasking, of course! We moms are famous for our ability to get six things accomplished simultaneously, all while creating world peace (or at least a temporary truce among fighting siblings). It's like the super powers go hand in hand with stretch marks.
But one Ohio mama is now infamous for juggling too much. Earlier this week, 39-year-old Genine Compton was cited for child endangerment after being spotted driving under the influence of breastfeeding. Yes, you read that right. She was behind the wheel, feeding her kid, and -- to round out the multi-task trifecta -- yapping on her cell phone.
When police questioned her, she told them she would not let her child go hungry. While I applaud the ability to nourish, travel, and communicate, try pulling over, woman.
While Compton is certainly not the norm, in some ways, she isn't so different. With the stress of motherhood at an all-time high, Pediatrician Dr. Gwen O'Keefe says that moms' drive to get it all done could actually be hurting our kids more than we know.
"Parents are just plain stressed and overstretched, which distracts them from paying attention to all sorts of details in their lives, including their kids."
The complete article:
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