Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Work-out DVD

I hear about other working moms going to the gym but I have no idea how they find time.  Really, you can fit a spinning class into your day?!  Personally, I love sleeping way to much to get up any earlier than I already do and there is no way I can selfishly hop on a treadmill between work and dinner time.  Fortunately, since I have been breastfeeding I lost the weight pretty quickly.  Now I am weening and I hit the big 30 so I need to step it up a notch.  Since my workouts pretty much consist of activities around the house, I have been doing Tracy Anderson's Post Pregnancy Workout DVD about once a month.  Why only once a month you ask?  Well, it takes about a month for my abs to stop hurting after I finish it.  The DVD is that awesome. My husband thinks it is hilarious to try and make me laugh and watch me wince in pain.  You'd think I'd start doing it more often so it isn't so painful, hopefully I'll learn one of these days.  The girl in the video says to do it 4-6 times a week.  Ha!  Yeah right...

The Tracy Anderson Method Presents Post-Pregnancy Workout DVD

The Tracy Anderson Method Presents Post-Pregnancy Workout DVD


  1. I love Traci Anderson, her videos rock! Now if I could keep doing them:O) Thanks for the tip!

  2. I just heard about this DVD and want to try it!!! I could use some post baby toning!!
